Oct 21, 2014

A Moment of Truth

When Tony returned to Island Paradise, Cassandra was waiting for him with a special meal.


She seemed oddly happy and relieved that he was back from Champs Le Sims. Perhaps she suspected something? 


It was likely, cause she wasn't a fool. Whatever, Tony couldn't keep quiet any longer. He dind't tell her anything at that moment, but he had decided it: he would confess to her his 'adventures' in France that same evening.

In the afternoon, Tony went diving for a while to clear his mind.

But on his way home he was caught in a heavy storm, which delayed him for many hours. 

At home everybody was worried about his delay. Simon went to look for him in the surrounding area and in the houseboat. Tony was nowhere to be seen.

By the evening, when Simon returned home, Tony was already there, safe and sound, relaxing in the hot tub. Phew.

Tony's alleged disappearance turned out to be nothing more than a scare. Simon breathed with relief and he and the rest of the family could take a rest.


It seemed that peace had return to the Langerak's home, but that was just the calm before the storm.

At least that's how it was for Cassandra, because later, Tony gathered courage and during a short walk near the boathouse, he confessed to her what had happened in Champs Le Sims over the last few months.

It didn't come as a surprise to Cassandra, she had noticed Tony acting suspiciously strange for some time and she was almost sure what it was about. 

Still, the revelation was so upsetting and painful that she asked Tony for time to make a decision. She was very disappointed, but she didn't want the problems between her and Tony to affect her children, who apparently didn't suspect anything.  

While he waited for his wife's verdict, Tony devoted himself fully to diving and searching for treasures, anything to keep his mind busy and not to think about Cassandra's decision.

He even took advantage of the silence that prevailed in the house lately, to continue with his book of memoires, that he had abandoned. Sometimes, in the middle of his many adventures, he forgot that he was a writer too. Caught in the whirlwind of his travels and the latest 'events' in France, he had stopped writing completely, but the problems with Cassandra, ironically, had brought back his inspiration.

The dangers of a deep, shark-infested sea did not frighten the brave Tony. 

His only fear was the possibility of losing Cassandra and with her, perhaps, his three children. It was too many years together to lose them like that. But what had he been thinking? How could he have been so foolish?

 During his long boat rides under the stormy skies of Island Paradise, he prayed that Cassandra would forgive him. For Tony, that forgiveness would be the greatest treasure of his life. Greater even than all the treasures he had found in his travels around the world. Whether or not he would be able to keep it remained to be seen.

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