Sep 12, 2014

Kay and Aaron's Wedding

Kay and Aaron's wedding was about to begin. In the garden everything was set to receive their guests.

The groom was the first to be ready, and so was Dakota. Aaron wasn't nervous, but he was eager, some of the most important guests, like his father, still hadn't arrived. Time was running, perhaps they weren't attending?

Minutes after Aaron, Kay was ready too and, she was indeed nervous, but talking to her father seemed to calm her down.

Nabila, Aaron's mother was very nervous too for her husband's delay, so, in order to calm down, she sat down and had a snack.

Kay's grandmother Myra, was one of the first to arrive. Nobody knew why the others were taking so long, maybe it was because of work.

 While they waited, the great-grandparents spent time cuddling - so many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and they're still in love like the first day! Kay and Aaron look so much like them, we hope their marriage will be as sweet and lasting.

The bride made it first to the wedding arch.

Aaron hurried to keep her company. The ceremony should start now, but it was about three hours late because of untimely guests. 

At that moment Kay's sister Gwyneth appeared, she was one of the honor guests that was late due to work reasons. Anyway, she was already here, but Aaron's father was still missing. Apparently he had also run into some work problems. The bride and groom were very nervous - they couldn't start without him! They would have to wait a little longer.

Sitting in their seats were Mortimer Goth, Farid Kamel; the bride's parents Gan and Elisa Huan; and Catarina Vanderburg, a distinguished Hidden Springs neighbor who had not missed any of this family's weddings even though she had not been invited.

Those who were certainly invited and were there early in the morning were Shantel Langerak and her boyfriend Shark Racket. 

Gwyneth took a seat next to her husband Calvin, who breathed with relief when he saw her arrive. To him, the ceremony could right away.

A few minutes later, the groom's father, professor Khaled Wassem, arrived. They all turned to look at him, except Elisa, who couldn't help but feeling nervous with his arrival. Her husband Gan was also worried about the inevitable encounter, but he kept his cool.

 Aaron and Kay looked at each other with emotion.  Khaled was already here, they could start with the ceremony right now!

Khaled went to sit in the only unoccupied seat: right next to Elisa. They greeted each other  discreetly and politely.

There was nothing left of what had once been in their hearts, except for a beautiful memory. The years had gone by and now their respective children were going to get married...

 Gan held his breath, grandfather Farid rushed to comfort him.
"Easy, son, all is now water under the bridge".
"I know, and I'm fine. Thank's, Mr. Kamel".

 It was now, under a sky full of stars, Kay and Aaron were ready to to vow eternal love.

Elisa and Khaled watched from their seats, proud of their children.

What followed was the ring exchange, but before it began, Kay turned to look at her mother.
"Everything's going to be fine, mom. You'll see".

Then they proceeded to exchange rings. It was Kay's turn first.
"Aaron, receive this ring as symbol of my love".

"Kay, receive this ring as symbol of my love..."

Finally, Kay and Aaron were married. What a joy!

Of course, a kiss sealed their vows.

And so the ceremony ended. The guests applauded with all their strenght, they look all very happy. Mortimer even cried with emotion.

Nabila looked proudly at her son. She didn't have doubts he would be happy with Kay. She did not hold a grudge against Elisa. Her relationship with Khaled had happened before she and Khaled met so...

Elisa, completely oblivous to Nabila's thoughts, forgot the tension and started to throw rice joyfully.

According to tradition, the bride and groom had to cut the wedding cake, but since the ceremony had started late and it was already past 3 am, most of the guests had already left.

They cut the cake anyway, to comply with the custom and because they were both starving. 

The banquet was already being served, but in the meantime a slice of cake wouldn't fall badly at all.

  It was a pity that not all the guests could be present for the cake cutting, but still the bride and groom looked happy. For them it had been the perfect wedding, with all their family and friends accompanying them even for a short time.

The last to retire were Kay's grandparents, Mortimer and Myra Goth. Kay had a long and interesting conversation with her grandfather about logic, robotics, genetics, inventions, potions, in short scientist stuff. She even told him about her experiment with the Forbidden Fruit. Mortimer was impressed. "No doubt about it, she's a real Goth, just like her mother." He thought to himself.

 Aaron and Myra chatted about gardening, cooking, art and other topics of interest to both of them. The talk was so good that the grandparents stayed until dawn before retiring exhausted, but very proud of their granddaughter and new grandson-in-law.

Kay had a moment alone while Aaron went out to walk the grandparents to their car. She couldn't take her eyes off her wedding ring and barely managed to hold back tears of emotion. 

Then she remembered her conversation with her grandfather and the Forbidden Fruit that was growing at the lab. HIt had been almost 24 hours since she had last been in to see it. How would it be now?

Wedding dress and all, Kay  rushed to the lab to tend the plant. Her present status: Mature.

The Forbidden Plant looked a bit weird, and from that aspect, it seemed like she would give its fruit very soon.
 por su aspecto, parecía que muy pronto, al fin, daría su fruto. 

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