Feb 10, 2015

Life Goes on at the Langerak's Manor

Starlight Shores, September 2014

After the sisters Melissa and Marilyn Langerak became adults, finished the Uni and left the parental home, life continued for the rest of the Langerakso. 

Miranda and Mike still had their careers, a teen son to take care of, and above all, a steady and more solid than ever relationship.

 Miranda and Mike, as much in love as the first day.

Mike continued to be a successful entrepreneur.

And Miranda, a complete Vocal Legend.

Mike was -and still is- the manager of varios famous artists from Starlight Shores, among them, of course, Miranda and her sister Michelle.

Plus, since he was already a Level 10 Alchemist, he had her own potion sales business. That was Mike's eccentric side.

Miranda, a full-time star and true diva, continued to reap success with no plans to retire anytime soon.

However, now that she's at the top, she would be able to take it ease and be much more selective with her gigs and tours.

That way she could spend more time at home with Mike and her youngest son, Mark.

'Markie' is the youngest of Miranda and Mike's three children.

At that time she was still a teenager.

Mike still remembers the 'headache' it was to teach Markie to drive.

But it was worth it cause then he was able to help him with his business, at least for a while, before leaving for the University.

Mark, having fun in the swimming pool of one of the houses of the Langerak millionaires in Starlight Shores.

Even when his daughters left home a while ago, Mark continue to miss them.

 Luckily, sometimes he rants into Melissa during his morning walks, when she's on her way to her work as a Lifesaver.

Melissa tries her best to keep in touch with her parents and brother. Although they're all always so busy, the Langeraks seek to reunite often, or at least on weekends.

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