Jan 23, 2015

The Casanovas and the Langeraks get Together

Over the weekend Michelle organized a reunion to which she invited the whole family. Her sister Miranda of course was there with Mike, and her daughter Marilyn. Their other daughter, Melissa, couldn't attend cause she had to work.

The party was great. Everybody talked about Michelle's recent promotion to Local Phenomenon due to her performance at the Coffeehouse.

For the first time, Michelle was the center of attention instead of Miranda, which made her feel like a true star, with the perfect family and the perfect home.

  "What a great party, I had a blast", Miranda told her before leaving the party. "Oh, and I loved your new house, I'm so jealous!" 
 "Please dear, don't tell me you want to move out again", Mike joked. They all laughed together until it was time for Miranda and Mike to leave.

Michelle put away the leftovers.

Nick helped her washing the dishes.

Michelle was happy but also very tired, so she fell asleep before Nick made it to the bedroom.

 He was happy too to see Michelle more cheerful, plus she hadn't smoked in two days which was a major step forward.

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