Nov 19, 2014

Memories of 2013 Conclude, but not the Blog

Hi, everyone! The end of the year is near and I have published the last of my 2013 Memories. Said memories relate to the game I started back in January of that 2013, in which the protagonists are the Kamel, Langerak and Goth families, along with other households interacting with the five generations of sims that have come out of them. This memories consist of pictures taken in game with the 'Memories' tool, which were published throughout last year in MyPage from

When the release of The Sims 4 was announced, there were rumors that the mentioned page would disappear with all its contents, so I started this blog to save my game memories, which I value high. Today I concluded the titanic task of moving all those pictures to Los Sims de Ana, but that doesn't mean in any way that it'll be the end of the blog. If anything, it's just the beginning! There's still a lot to share, like for instance, the memories of 2014, which I won't call that anymore, cause they're not from the game memory system.

I'm pleased to inform that, despite the hype that the arrival of The Sims 4 has caused, I continue playing The Sims 3 with the same enthusiasm and with the same (now huge) family of Hidden springs, which, counting all its descendants, already consists of more than 300 members. I have as well some new families about which I will be posting soon. Also, I'm planning to start a tag dedicated to my Tumblr entries to, in that way, concentrate my Sims material in a single place. Soon I'll continue as well with the Sims Donwloads section, cause my intention is to upload absolutely all my sims, from the five generations, in order of appearance. Currently I'm at the beginning of the third generation, so, here's another arduous task.

With regards to The Sims 4, I'm sorry to inform that I find myself in and indefinite hiatus, due to the lack of interest in its gamemplay. But I'll try to play it from time to time, even if it's just for a few minutes a day, to try to understand it and get a little more attached to it. If it manages to awaken my interest again, I will not hesitate to share the pictures here.

Anyway, the real news here is 'this isn't over until it's over', there still is, and will be much more to see in this blog, and many more Sims de Ana to come.  ;)

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