Jul 5, 2013

Back With the Family in Hidden Springs

Hidden Springs, November 16, 2012

Tony is back in Hidden Springs, enoying the summer with his family.

Playing soccer with Simon.

Tony turned out to be a good goalkeeper.

Tony: Come on, Simon, shoot!
Simon: Wait, Dad, I got a call, it could be Sandy.

The call can't be from Sandy cause she's right there at the Summer Festival, starting an eating contest along with her cousin Dylan.

Cassandra, ready for the next soccer match.

Tony is entering the tanning machine.

And here's the result.

Back in the field, but - where's Simon?

As Simon was nowhere to be seen, Tony went to ask Five Star Chef Aimee Goth for cooking recipes.

Jessica went to grab something to eat.

And Daniel got himself some ice cream.

Simon, saying goodbye to Dylan and Sandy. He can't help it, he likes Sandy a lot, but it's an impossible relationship cause they are relatives. Sandy is Simon's aunt. (His father is Tony's uncle Amin).

Back at home, having fun with the virtual reality googles.
 "After hours battling the overwhelming forces of the radioactive demon lizards of Solchino VIII, Simon is exhausted. Fortunately, the lifeboats are expected to arrive anytime to rescue the squad".

"The whole squad got in position to repel the intruders. The enormous bomb felt heavy in Simon's hands, but there was no way that he would let the Galactic Emperor take the princess with him".

Jessica also entertained herself playing videogames.

Tony made nectar in the basement, but not even did the papparazzi leave him alone.

Daniel is trying the ice maker.

Cassandra went for one too.

Simon wrote a love letter to Sandy, he hopes his feelings will be corresponded! Although, let's say it, Sandy is is older than him, and, like we already said, she's his aunt.

When he finally asked her to the prom, turned out she was going with his cousin Cornell, who is also Simon's father cousin. 

No wonder Sandy had never accepted any invitation from him, neither she responded to his love letter. He will have to ask someone else to the prom.

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