Jul 19, 2013

A Romance is Born

Memories of December 8, 2012 Continue

In the evening, Kamillah met Gino at the Espresso Cafe. 
She wanted him to go with her to Camilo's party, but Gino had to go to work. Even so, he walked her to Camilo's house and once there they started to talk, Without the chef's hat and the glasses, Kamillah had the chance to watch Gino closely.
 "Wow, he's more handsome than I thought. I think I'm falling in love".

It seems like they're feeling the same about each other. A Romance is starting to bloom. No one here remembers Camilo and his party. XD

Kamillah and Gino's casual meeting turned into a date. Gino is going to be late for work, and Kamilla completely forgot about the Mancinis' party.

It's past 2 am. Gino walked Kamillah to her door. Then he called his work to apologize for never arriving.

 Serena is sleeping already, so Kamillah and Gino can talk and watch the stars together. How romantic!

Near dawn, and after hours of pleasan conversation, they say goodbye with a tender hug. That will be all for the moment.

Gino is excesively romantic but also shy. Kamillah will have to be patient cause, for now, their relationship is going very slow.

Scary things don't seem that terrifying now that I have someone to watch over me".

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